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Category > Foreign Languages Posted 04 Jul 2017 My Price 10.00

normal language development questions assingmnet


Question description


Please see below before bidding. Everything must be in own. Words, basic writing language.

6. Define "Whole object assumption" and give three examples of how it would work

7. Define "Type Assumption", and using your examples from question six, show how it works.

8. Define "Basic Level Assumption" and using your examples from question six and seven, show how it works

9. What is the "social strategy"? How would it work? (Look at the experiments for examples, ut give one of your own.)

10. Linguistic constraints: explain how experimenters showed that 17 month old girls knew how to use the article "a". Try to set up an experiment that would show if toddlers understand the word "the".


Status NEW Posted 04 Jul 2017 10:07 AM My Price 10.00

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