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  • MCS,MBA(IT), Pursuing PHD
    Devry University
    Sep-2004 - Aug-2010


  • Assistant Financial Analyst
    NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd
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Category > HR Management Posted 12 Jul 2017 My Price 10.00

Explain what constitutes a primary source and how it is different from a secondary one

Explain what constitutes a primary source and how it is different from a secondary one. Look at the two images below. Explain why they are either secondary or primary sources and what a historian can learn by examining them in detail.

Images are attached below.

  1. Image #1: Unknown Artist. Anne Hutchinson Preaching in Her House in Boston. FromHarper’s Monthly, February 1901. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. LC-USZ62-53343. Retrieved from:

  2. Image #2: Boylston, Z. (1679-1766).Historical account of the small-pox inoculated in New-England, upon all sorts of persons, whites, blacks, and of all ages and constitutions.London. 1726. Re-printed at Boston. 1730. Retrieved from: Evans Early American Imprint Collection, University of Michigan.;idno=N02740.0001.001



Status NEW Posted 12 Jul 2017 08:07 AM My Price 10.00

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