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Category > Essay writing Posted 12 Jul 2017 My Price 10.00

American dream, writing assignment help

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The American Dream (Surya story)

Basu Niroula













                It is said that a child represent a true creation of nature; beautiful, unspoilt, and which, when given unreserved love and nourishment, has a capability of growing big and unfolding all its loveliness (Rank, et al., 2016). All children are born with a divine purpose of life whose aura has the power to hold all strength of a child and work on all weaknesses of that child in order to unleash all the potential. Childhood, therefore, represent the stepping stone of all Americans and all citizens of the world. Every one of us, whether a child or mature, has the aspect of a child in us which is our emotional self. This aspect of a child needs reassurance that all is well. It needs to be reassured that there is no reason of worrying and there are all opportunities for one to exploit. It only takes one to define the goals and purpose to achieve them. This is the ultimate goal of the American Dream.

The American Dream

                The American Dream represent national beliefs of the United States of America. It is a set of values and principles which guides all Americans in their personal and public endeavors. Incorporated in the principles are the ideals of freedom which include giving all persons an opportunity to succeed in achieving their personal goals, an upward social mobility, and a culture of handwork. It also include reducing barriers of success to a bare minimum. A key element of the American dream focus on giving everyone an opportunity for success according to one’s ability. Also a key element of the dream is an enabling system of government, effective and efficient infrastructure, established education system with the right of education to all children, among other social amenities. As Cullen (2003) notes, parents in the United States put their trust on the American dream in understanding the opportunities awaiting them and their children. Like any other parent, this is how much my Uncle Rabi relied on the American Dream when bringing up his only child Surya, who is my first cousin. It is through the provisions of this dream that Surya have been able to rise against all odds to become the director and the business owner.

                Surya was born into a poor family in a rural Nepal to his parents Rabi and mother Holika who unfortunately died immediately she delivered Surya. It was so unfortunate the Surya was to be brought up by a single parent, his father. His grandparents had perished in a road accident five years before he was born and hence did not have the privilege of seeing them.  This sorrowful happening before and at his birth put Surya at a rather hopeless situation, as he did not experience life like other children. His father was also not in a position to employ house girl or someone to help her bring up him Surya and hence used the help of my mother who is his sister. In this case, Surya and I have been brought up in the same family and hence we have always been close to each other. Although he is older than I am, he has been the brother I never had.

                Surya has always wanted to be an actor since he was young. I remember one day during summer holiday telling me, “one day I will feature in internationally recognized movies.” Acting has always been his dream; and yes he had all the qualities of an actor. He was intelligent, thoughtful yet so funny, especially in his comical way of expression. Though his father never wanted him to be an actor, he believed in the American dream in that every child should be given an opportunity to achieve his potential by using his talents and capabilities. His father also new that every child has a right to education so that the child can be able to make rightful decisions. In light of this knowledge, his father gave Surya a good foundation of education. He also brought him up according to the Hindu ways and thus Surya used to be a very admirable and respectful child all through. His father was very hopeful of him despite all the challenges he faced in bringing him up as a single parent.

                In his nine grades, Surya was very confidence about his dreams of being an actor, he was also very hopeful of everything in life. First, he believed in the capability of his father who this far have proven to be caring, he also believed in my mother whom he knew as his mother too, and maybe unknowingly the calmness and wonderful opportunities set by the government of America. For instance, there were many theaters in the surrounding areas, many actors who acted as role models, peaceful political environment, a culture that treated all children equally among many other amenities and inspirations the society offered. To this, Surya had all opportunities and the roadmap to acting in his mind; he just waited for the right opportunity to arrive. 

                I remember words he used to repeat every time he felt discouraged that, “one day I will fly high above like an eagle and will forget that I used to crawl like a drunken man who doesn’t remember the way home.” When thinking about this words later in life, I realized how he felt about life; that though there are many challenges in this life, there was so much hope into the future. There was nothing to fear about but instead, one only needed to belief in his dreams. During a conversation when skating one afternoon, I asked him, “what makes you so assured about life?” which he answered strait to my eyes, “I don’t know, just feel it.” This I conquered with him. A key element of the American dream is to create an environment, which success and prosperity can thrive in. This is why Surya could not be able to explain but instead felt it. It is not about giving everything to the people but instead, it is about creating an environment that helps people in unleashing their potential. It is through this environment that Surya was able to build good foundations and step-by-step he was able to discover himself.

                His father taught him to how to read at an early age something he perfected after joining school. At just three years of age, he could be able to recite Hindu verses in temple. My mother recounts how the priest used to turn to her and say in confirmation, “this child is gifted.” So when Surya was a teenager, he could be able to mimic famous politicians and celebrities. He could also be able to behave like them when reading speech.

                His education life was very exciting because, though he never schooled in high end institutions, he was very bright and always had good grades. He was also good co-curriculum activities especially in acting which used to be his passion. It is through affordable education for children that he was able to get education; otherwise his father was not in a position to pay school fees. After passing high school with very good grades, he gained a scholarship to one of the most prestigious universities in the country; Stanford University where he was able to study an entrepreneurship management course. The scholarships was as a result of American government program in trying to boost the American dream (DeParle, 2004). The program found it wise to fully sponsor bright but need children in pursuing their dream.

                The scholarship opened Surya’s door to his dreams. It is at this point that his life made a complete turnaround. All those hopes he used to feel when he was young started now to materialize one after the other. Stanford University is known for its expertise in building students future careers as well as helping them start from scratches into fulfillment. At Stanford University, he was able to combine together his talent, ambition and professional qualification. It is at the university that he was able to develop a business plan for his studio, which acted as the stepping-stone to his entrepreneurial goals. With the combined experience of performing many scripts both in the university and performance theaters at the hometown, he was able to start a small studio in India. That was the starting point of the Surya’s music Theatre International; an organization with over 1200 employees.


                The life of Surya, his personal life, professional achievements, and business success is a result of the American dream. It is as a result of giving opportunities to everyone that my cousin is the way he is today. He was able to support his family and now can live comfortably. His company has now employed many Indian, which is a great move in reducing the rate of unemployment in the country. The company has also supported many needy families through the company’s corporate social responsibility. Therefore, American dream should be supported by everyone who is a friend to the United States of America. It is a dream that should be carried forward to generations and generations to come.










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Cullen, J. (2003). The American dream: A short history of an idea that shaped a nation. New            York: Oxford University Press. \

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DeParle, J. (2004). American dream. New York: Viking.

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Rank, M. R., Hirschl, T. A., & Foster, K. A. (2016). Chasing the American Dream:           Understanding what shapes our fortunes. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

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