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    Devry University
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    NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd
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Category > Foreign Languages Posted 21 Jul 2017 My Price 10.00

Mis vacaciones pasadas.

For your composition you need to write about your last vacation in Spanish. Use Preterite (Past tense). Start your composition telling where did you go? in a complete sentence for example: Yo fui a New York. Continue by writing more information about your vacation like: Donde te quedaste?/(quedarse) Where did you stay?. Con quien fuiste de vacaciones? Que hiciste en tus vacaciones? Que lugares/ places visitaste? Cuanto tiempo estuviste alli?/ there. etc…. I do not want a list of answer to these questions, you should write this composition in a paragraph format, typed using 12 font and double space. Use verbs and vocabulary learned in lessons 6 and 7.

Write a composion of 22-25 sentences total. Use at least 10 different verbs.



Status NEW Posted 21 Jul 2017 05:07 PM My Price 10.00

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