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  • MCS,MBA(IT), Pursuing PHD
    Devry University
    Sep-2004 - Aug-2010


  • Assistant Financial Analyst
    NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd
    Aug-2007 - Jul-2017

Category > History Posted 21 Jul 2017 My Price 10.00

20 scholarly, peer-reviewed articles and an APA Bibliography on Juvenile detention center.

I need 20 scholarly, peer-reviewed articles and an APA bibliography on the Juvenile detention center. I need articles that discuss: the history, motto, mission, objectives, and purposes, goals, the facility design(structure, building, etc) status: non-profit or profit or grants from whom: city, council, federal) budgeting: funding, expenses personnel (wages), chain of command: hierarchy, oversight and supervision, schedules: hours of operation, personnel, meetings: employees, supervisors, board members,programs: services for which clients, type of programming offered(ex. counseling, therapy, trainings, treatment, etc, human resources: hiring policy, non-discrimination policy, ethics, legal representation, problems/challenges faced, collaborations: community programs, volunteers, stakeholders, etc.



Status NEW Posted 21 Jul 2017 05:07 PM My Price 10.00

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