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Category > Economics Posted 23 Jul 2017 My Price 10.00

Discussion and reply about problems, causes, and consequences

You must write one discussion and two replies, I will post my classmates's discussions, you can according to their discussion, write two replies respectively. The discussion should write about 300 words, and each reply should write 200 words. Do not write more than the words. According to the problem, you can choose a common thing. And you can also have a consult about the discussion I posted. But do not copy, Express more your own opinions.

Tips for success: Remember to choose a problem that is not too broad, too speculative, or too complicated. However, you can focus on a difficult or challenging problem. Consider focusing on a local problem. Choose something that is significant or meaningful to you--perhaps something that relates to your major, your profession, your current job, your community, or your extra-curricular or volunteer activities.

First one,

For my Problem Analysis assignment, I plan to look at "summer melt" in high school seniors going to college in the fall. Summer melt is a problem that occurs when students who are enrolled in a college do not end up attending in the fall because of lack of interest and motivation over the summer. I am going to be looking at this problem and how it affects a target population of low-income and first generation students because these are the students most at risk. I am also going to be looking at this problem in the Thumb area of Michigan where I am from.

Some causes of summer melt may be that low-income students are not able to finance their education and then decide not to attend in the fall. Another cause may be that either low-income or first generation college students feel that they are not well enough prepared or ready for college and decide to back out. Finally, a cause that I will be looking into is that students do not have counselors or teachers working with them on a daily basis and therefore do not feel motivated to continue their education.

The consequences of summer melt is that those students who do not continue their education in the fall will not benefit from a college education. This could lead to lower wages, or less job opportunities in the future for those individuals. Another consequence could be more barriers in going to college if these students decide to enroll at a later date. This topic is very interesting to me because it relates highly to what I do as a college/career adviser right now and what I hope to do in a full-time position in the upcoming year.

Second one,

I am mostly leaning toward researching the Flint water crisis, because this is a current event. It is an event that is constantly being talked about on the news and other forms of social media. I believe I could not only inform the audience I'm writing to, but I could also inform myself about the facts regarding this specific subject. I live very close to Flint, and I would like to research something local.

As far as potholes in Saginaw, this is being caused by the various weather changes. With constant freezing and thawing happening, it is causing our roads to expand and contract, thus leaving a pothole. Consequences that are coming from this issue are; ruined vehicles, tire loss, and maybe even car accidents if sever enough. People could be having to spend lots and lots of money repairing their cars due to the depth of some of these potholes. It can be very frustrating.

Causes for crime in Downtown Saginaw mostly steam from unemployment, and lack of education for specific jobs. Not enough money is being raised/circulated within the community to better that side of town. There are numerous consequences that go along with these crimes. To name a few; people are scared for their safety, death rates are going up, and even people moving out of the Downtown area, causing any income that was coming in, now leaving.

Lastly, Flint water crisis. The cause of this happening was the switch of pipelines from Detroit to Flint to try and save money for the community. Due to lead being leaked into the water, people can no longer drink tap water. The consequences from this, would have to be sick individuals from finding lead in their blood flow. Also, death could arise if not treated quickly, and even expense could play a factor. Families on very fixed incomes now have to purchase water bottles from the store, just to have safe water. Over time, that expense will very much so add up.

If I could get any feedback about my various topics that I want to study, that would be great. Like I said, I am leaning toward researching the Flint water crisis but honestly cant choose between potholes in Saginaw and Flints water crisis. Let me know what you think would be best and the most informative. Thanks so much!



Status NEW Posted 23 Jul 2017 07:07 AM My Price 10.00

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