Dr Nick


$14/per page/Negotiable

About Dr Nick

Levels Tought:
Elementary,Middle School,High School,College,University,PHD

Art & Design,Computer Science See all
Art & Design,Computer Science,Engineering,Information Systems,Programming Hide all
Teaching Since: May 2017
Last Sign in: 259 Weeks Ago, 1 Day Ago
Questions Answered: 19234
Tutorials Posted: 19224


  • MBA (IT), PHD
    Kaplan University
    Apr-2009 - Mar-2014


  • Professor
    University of Santo Tomas
    Aug-2006 - Present

Category > Political Science Posted 24 Jul 2017 My Price 9.00

According to the article,

David Haddock and Daniel Polsby are professors of law at Northwestern University. They published an article titled ”Understanding Riots” for the Cato Institute in the Cato Journal, which can be accessed at https://object.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/serials/files/cato-journal/1994/5/cj14n1-13.pdf.  According to the article, what factors are typically necessary for a riot to ensue? What factors can be used to stop a riot? What policies do they recommend for preventing riots? In your opinion, what other factors may be useful in preventing riots?  Examine these riots: LA Riots, Ferguson, Chicago 1968, Watts 1965, Stonewall Riots, Seattle 1999, and Arab Spring.



Status NEW Posted 24 Jul 2017 07:07 PM My Price 9.00

Hel-----------lo -----------Sir-----------/Ma-----------dam----------- T-----------han-----------k y-----------ou -----------for----------- us-----------ing----------- ou-----------r w-----------ebs-----------ite----------- an-----------d a-----------cqu-----------isi-----------tio-----------n o-----------f m-----------y p-----------ost-----------ed -----------sol-----------uti-----------on.-----------Ple-----------ase----------- pi-----------ng -----------me -----------on -----------cha-----------t I----------- am-----------  -----------onl-----------ine----------- or----------- in-----------box----------- me----------- a -----------mes-----------sag-----------e I----------- wi-----------ll

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