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    Devry University
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  • Assistant Financial Analyst
    NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd
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Category > Health & Medical Posted 27 Jul 2017 My Price 10.00

For this assignment, you will need to write a response to 5 questions.

For this assignment, you will need to write a response to 5 questions. Your answers do not have to be long (a paragraph should be sufficient) but they should be written in complete sentences. The questions are shown below for convenience but you can download the questions here in a Word document.

  1. What does USP stand for and what is its purpose? How do USP guidelines affect pharmacy practice?
  2. Consider this scenario: You receive a prescription for tramadol 5 mg/ml suspension. The compounding formula states the needed ingredients are: tramadol 50 mg tablets, ora-sweet syrup and ora-plus suspension. You need to make 140 ml of suspension. Answer the following:
    1. List the compounding equipment you would need to prepare this product, and list what you would use each item for.
    2. Your choices for bottles to dispense the suspension in are 2 oz, 4 oz and 6 oz. Which size will you choose?
    3. What information needs to be included in your dispensing log (aka compounding log) for this prescription?
  3. Compare and contrast compounding in the community vs hospital pharmacy environment. Include examples of the types of medications that are, in general, compounded in each setting.
  4. In correct order, describe the steps to cleaning a horizontal laminar flow hood.
  5. What is the difference between a horizontal laminar flow hood and a vertical laminar flow hood? What medications are prepared in each type?



Status NEW Posted 27 Jul 2017 04:07 PM My Price 10.00

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