Dr Nick


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Teaching Since: May 2017
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  • MBA (IT), PHD
    Kaplan University
    Apr-2009 - Mar-2014


  • Professor
    University of Santo Tomas
    Aug-2006 - Present

Category > Essay writing Posted 28 Jul 2017 My Price 11.00

a direction to my assignment

Here is a direction to my assignment and I need your help. 

For this assignment, studentswill employ the strategies outlined in Adler's "How to Mark a Book" toannotate "Discursive Formations" (under Shared Files).

As discussed in class, one of the most important strategies is usingthe margins for questions, thoughts, etc. Keep track of these, even ifin a separate notebook.  This is the strategy on which I would like youto focus.

After annotating "Discursive Formations", students will compose abrief reflection that responds to their own personal line of inquiry. Specifically, I want you to focus on 2 or 3 instances from yourannotation where you noted questions about the text, found somethingintriguing, found something problematic, etc.

For each of these instances, you will compose a paragraph that eitherspeculates an answer to your own question or explicates why you noted aparticular moment in the text.  There should be no introduction orconclusion, just entries identified by quoting the first few words ofthe sentence you've noted.

For example:

"I have decided to describe statements . . ."

Foucault uses the term "statements" repeatedly throughout thispassage.  He even references using the word indiscriminately which makesme wonder if there is a specific meaning to his use of the word.  When Ithink of the word "statement", I imagine verbal or written expression,but Foucault's meaning seems to go beyond . . .

and so on, and so on.

Reflections should be approximately 1 page in length (double-spaced).

Can any body help me?


Status NEW Posted 28 Jul 2017 12:07 PM My Price 11.00

----------- He-----------llo----------- Si-----------r/M-----------ada-----------m -----------Tha-----------nk -----------you----------- fo-----------r u-----------sin-----------g o-----------ur -----------web-----------sit-----------e a-----------nd -----------acq-----------uis-----------iti-----------on -----------of -----------my -----------pos-----------ted----------- so-----------lut-----------ion-----------. P-----------lea-----------se -----------pin-----------g m-----------e o-----------n c-----------hat----------- I -----------amÂ----------- on-----------lin-----------e o-----------r i-----------nbo-----------x m-----------e a----------- me-----------ssa-----------ge -----------I w-----------ill-----------

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