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Category > Programming Posted 05 May 2017 My Price 11.00

IT671 – Enterprise Data Warehousing Something’s Fishy

please follow the attachment and complete it ASAP by SQL



IT671 – Enterprise Data Warehousing Something’s Fishy
The purpose of this project is to build your capabilities and understanding of dimensional design by
creating a star schema from the information presented for this case. The project is to design a star schema
for a project to build a data warehouse for Something’s Fishy, an upscale chain of seafood restaurants
that serves discriminating individuals who insist on the world’s finest delicacies from the sea. Introduction
Something’s Fishy started in 1954 as a small restaurant located on the banks of the Woonasquatucket
River at the head of Narragansett Bay in Providence, Rhode Island. During its early years the restaurant
struggled to survive, as did some of their customers, because the restaurant had a tendency to serve clams
that were “artfully” harvested between store drain overflows and red tides. In fact, the restaurant came
perilously close to closing after a notorious 1972 incident in which three fish were battered.
Whether by sheer luck, fewer incidents of red tides, or chicanery, the company avoided going under, and
over the years actually expanded to become a small chain of highly profitable restaurants. Today,
Something’s Fishy has established a reputation as having the best seafood anywhere, even better than
Long John Silver’s. The restaurants have many fanatically loyal customers, which Something’s Fishy
management finds somewhat puzzling because a closely held secret is that many of the items touted on
their menu as secret family recipes are actually Gorton’s of Gloucester fish sticks. Nonetheless,
Something’s Fishy continues to reel in customers by the boatload.
However, calm seas do not last forever. Recently a rumor was circulating that Red Lobster is about to
locate a restaurant right in the heart of Something’s Fishy territory. This rocked Something’s Fishy
boatload of managers, who now wants to be able to analyze everything under the sea.
Like many management teams, they think they’ll soon be able to fish around for any and all data they can
imagine. However, you know better, and after you enduring much jawboning, got them to decide that the
most urgent needs were for a system that would let them track items on their menus, analyze their sales,
costs, promotions, and whatever else is going on at their restaurants, and finally to understand something
about their customers – actually, anything about them would do - they can’t figure how people could get
hooked and why they would keep coming in. The overarching and most critical need is to improve their
decision-making, which, as far as analytics goes, is still at sea.
As the First Mate on Something’s Fishy project team, your job is to develop a star schema based on
understanding their needs, which after casting about for more information, your found that more
specifically that would mean a star schema design capable of enabling the company to analyze their
restaurants’ gross revenue (based on list prices), discounts (such from promotions, 2-for-1 deals, etc.), net
revenue (what customers actually paid), costs, and profits for individual customers and for each of the
items on their menu. These are the steps to follow to create your design: Project Steps
1) Determine requirements - Determine the questions management needs answers for
Requirements drives design. Or should. In the case of dimension modeling, questions
management needs to answer drives star schema design. Or should. Chapter 3 of Kimball’s book
describes the dimensional design process with the first step as selecting the business process. In
this case, you can consider the process to be customers purchasing meals in one of Something’s Fishy’s restaurants. The transactional system that will be the source of data for your design is the
company’s POS (point of sale) system.
You should list the very specific questions your design is intended to answer. It may be useful to
think of questions in terms of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that restaurants would actually
use. Questions should relate to measures (“how much”, “how often”, etc.) in the context of
dimensions (“for each”, “by what”, etc.).
2) Design - Create your star schema
The attributes for the dimensions and items in your fact table are of your design and choice, but
they should be realistic and tie directly to the questions and their answers – in other words, the
requirements – you developed in the first step. Remember the importance of granularity and
non-additive measures in fact tables. With regard to fact table granularity; you can assume that
with respect of the underlying business process, Something’s Fishy is similar to other restaurants
and what you would expect.
Also remember that the attributes in dimension tables provide the context for measures as
presented to the user, and that they are not necessarily found in a transactional database;
sections in the text from Adamson’s Chapter 3 on Common Combinations and Rich Set of
Dimensions and Chapter 4 on Fact Tables might give you some ideas as well as examples.
3) Build – Develop a database diagram with your design
Once you have thought through your design first, and only then, you should turn to SQL Server to
build your star schema as a database diagram. You should pay particular attention to fact-table
granularity and aspects of good design we’ve covered in class.
The star schema, tables and database diagram need to adhere to the conventions and criteria for
good designs that we’ve gone over in class, not only for naming and structure, but also for
surrogate keys and relationships between fact and dimension tables.
4) Summarize – Think about comments, assumptions your requirements or design rest on, caveats,
Think about assumptions you needed to make about the business and comments about why your
design meets the needs of Something’s Fishy. Project Deliverables
The content of deliverables for this project needs to be a pdf document uploaded to Blackboard using the
following outline which parallels the section above(be sure to put your name at the top of the pdf
1) Questions
As noted above, a list of the questions the design is intended to answer.
2) Star schema design. This is an image of the database diagram from your design – SQL Server
enables you to easily get your diagram as an image saved to the clipboard (usually right-click on
your Database Diagram and Copy Diagram to Clipboard)
You need to use the naming conventions and show your diagram in the format as described for
the earlier work; those will be the same for any star schema designs we do, and so these
conventions and instructions are provided in a separate document along with this assignment.
2 Note that the diagram includes only the tables and that none of the tables is either selected or
A separate document is provided with guidelines and suggestions for star schema design, and the
following diagram is provided as a quick checkpoint. 3) Summarize with comments, assumptions, caveats, etc.
These are as described in the project steps. Grading Criteria
The following criteria for grading will apply for this project: Form Format Is the deliverable in the form of a pdf and not a Word document?
Are both document and screenshots well-formatted and have a professional
Is the document organized in the outline as suggested? Naming conventions Are the naming conventions for star schemas used in the design? Content
Completeness Design Discussion Are all parts of the project completed and included in the document?
How well is the design done, for example, are the dimensions and attributes
logical and appropriate for the needs? Are the relationships shown? Do they
make sense?
How well does the discussion address the points and explain why the design
is appropriate for the needs and meets guidelines? 3


Status NEW Posted 05 May 2017 06:05 AM My Price 11.00



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