Dr Nick


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About Dr Nick

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Elementary,Middle School,High School,College,University,PHD

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Teaching Since: May 2017
Last Sign in: 259 Weeks Ago, 1 Day Ago
Questions Answered: 19234
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  • MBA (IT), PHD
    Kaplan University
    Apr-2009 - Mar-2014


  • Professor
    University of Santo Tomas
    Aug-2006 - Present

Category > Social Science Posted 29 Jul 2017 My Price 11.00

The ethical issues for society

. Topic: Ethics of Healthcare Management

No less than 1,000 words, supported by at least 3 scholarly references and at least 1 scriptural reference. Current APA format must be used for citations.

Healthcare professionals face ethical questions every day. This is particularly true for those whose scriptural worldview may seem unfamiliar, or even antagonistic, to the secular scientific community. This assignment asks you to research and analyze the ethical issues involved in a healthcare environment that poses such ethical challenges.

Prompt: The Francis S. Collins text “The Language of God” explores a number of current healthcare topics that present bioethical issues, especially when viewed from a biblical worldview perspective:

  • Topic: Genetic enhancement

Provide critical analysis of:

I.                    The ethical issues for society

II.                 The ethical issues for a Christian healthcare professional

III.              Whether and how a Christian should participate in such efforts.


Status NEW Posted 29 Jul 2017 01:07 PM My Price 11.00

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