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  • MCS,MBA(IT), Pursuing PHD
    Devry University
    Sep-2004 - Aug-2010


  • Assistant Financial Analyst
    NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd
    Aug-2007 - Jul-2017

Category > Foreign Languages Posted 30 Jul 2017 My Price 10.00

Background , writing homework help

For this assignment, write 550 words, 12 font times roman,citations,references,APA style,write a reflection on your professional and educational aspirations, and how you feel Northwest can help you meet them.Use logically constructed paragraphs (not bulleted lists) with good spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.My personal statement and essay is attached to give you background information about myself. Please do not copy write in your own words no plagiarism .


Be sure to mention the following:


    • Background and interest: Describe your professional and educational background, as well as special areas of research or professional interests.
    • Personal/professional vision: Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
    • Northwest and you: How do you see your education at Northwest fitting into your overall personal and professional development plans and goals?
    • The NCW Process: Did the information and expectations outlined during the orientation match your initial expectations? How were they the same or different, and what might that mean for how you approach your studies?
    • Academic and Professional Communities: What academic and professional communities are available to you, and how might you take advantage of them? Were any identified services or resources of interest to you?
    • The Northwest Community: What questions do you have that might be answered by someone in the NWU community? Where do you feel you may need support from Faculty and Advisors?


Leadership In MY field


For as long as I can remember, the concept of leadership has continually formed part of my everyday life. I attribute my leadership skills to the zeal to stimulate positive change in the society. From volunteering to lead a community outreach Program to becoming an influential business leader and a para-educator in my organization, all these prove my leadership powers. Several years of service in the field of Business and Education has provided me with an educative, interesting and motivating experience; constantly molding me into a better leader. Notably, working in a business oriented environment provided me with a platform to demonstrate and nurture my leadership skills such as managing a business to ensure appropriate organizational display that meets the customer’s needs and facilitating teamwork to achieve an organization's goals.

Besides, being tasked with an executive role has reinforced my team leadership capabilities and overall running of an organization. Similarly, as a para-educator, I have diligently strived to steer others towards the achievement of their educational dreams. Typically, challenges are inevitable in any field; the field of business and education is no exception. As a leader, I have learned to perceive challenges as stepping stone to higher grounds which has consequently reinforced my leadership skills over the years.

Therefore, I firmly believe that furthering my education at NWU will be a great deal, as it not only provides me with the opportunity to thrive academically but also, spiritually and morally. It will provide the academic environment to reinforce my leadership skills through the meaningful understanding of the business leadership concepts. Quality, leadership, enhances organizational cohesion, reliability and efficiency. Keeping in mind that successful leaders motivate others through communicating and modeling enthusiasm, commitment, integrity, flexibility and innovation (García-Morales et al., 2012), NWU is the place to be.

I'm optimistic that I shall gain scholarly qualities such as the art of reflection, problem-solving and the skills for designing, critiquing and implementing research relevant to effective practice in my field at the climax of this academic journey. At NWU, I aspire to build on my previous accomplishments by acquiring the relevant transformational leadership skills; my aim being to create a transformational environment not only in business but also within the educational setting. It is at NWU that I will cultivate my leadership skills and consequently harness relevant skills to meet the diverse needs of organizations, at the same time stimulating others to grow and learn. It is a well-known fact that a good leader should not only take charge but also, be a good listener and a team player (Pazey & Cole, 2013). As such, interaction with others will sharpen leadership and management skills as well as acquire the effective team-oriented approaches essential for business success.

Indeed, furthering my education at NWU will provide me the platform to learn ways of facilitating action-centered leadership, thus helping my dream of establishing and managing a private education center. Such an achievement will bolster my leadership and management expertise to even greater heights. Call it a vision or purpose, education at NWU will shape and reshape every aspect of my leadership. I want to live a purposeful life; leave a legacy. I want to strengthen my weaknesses and sharpen my strengths to revolutionize the field of business. The business landscape requires a capable business leader able to aspire and inspire others to achieve an organization’s mission and vision. Similarly, as an educational leader, my moral purpose in life is the creation of lifelong learners, thinkers, innovators and budding leaders which I will acquire at NWU. I believe I still have more to learn to be a better leader by joining your esteemed institution.



Status NEW Posted 30 Jul 2017 03:07 PM My Price 10.00

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