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  • MBA.Graduate Psychology,PHD in HRM
    Feb-1999 - Mar-2006

  • MBA.Graduate Psychology,PHD in HRM
    Strayer,Phoniex,University of California
    Feb-1999 - Mar-2006


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    Apr-2003 - Apr-2007

Category > History Posted 09 Aug 2017 My Price 5.00

destruction of the Federalist Party

1.What forces brought about the destruction of the Federalist Party? What types of people joined the new Whig Party?

2. Explain how “fusion” with the Populist Party in 1896 began to change the Democrats’ view on federal government intervention in the economy.

3.  Who was the last “liberal” Republican president and who was the first “liberal” Democratic president?  Who was the first “conservative” Republican president?  In your opinion, who was the most “liberal” president in U.S. history?


Status NEW Posted 09 Aug 2017 05:08 PM My Price 5.00

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