

Looking to understand quantum theory? Stumped by thermodynamics and statistical mechanics? Sobtell has the best minds in physics who are available online 24*7 to help you. With the help of our physics online classes, you can review the theory of relativity, determine velocity and solve other physics equations.

At Sobtell, we help you with lab reports, homework assignments, high school and college complete physics homework. Prepare for the test and understand key concepts such as magnetic fields, acceleration, circular motion, vectors, magnitude etc. With our online classes, you can connect with physics tutors pretty much anytime anywhere. Sign up for physics tutoring and clear all your physics doubts today.

Title Field of study Price Answered Bought Deadline
A bullet of mass Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A calorimeter Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A canoe with a mass of 200 kg Physics 5.00 1 0 -
A capacitor Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A car is traveling around a horizontal circular Physics 10.00 1 0 -
A car moving with an initial velocity Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A centrifuge is a device Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A certain part of an aircraft engine Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A charge Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A circular loop antenna Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A circular loop antenna Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A comb that is rubbed Physics 20.00 1 0 -
A commercial airline Physics 10.00 1 0 -
A compact disc (CD) contains music Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A compound lens system Physics 6.00 1 0 -
A concrete highway is built of slabs 12 m long Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A constant force is applied to an object Physics 7.00 1 0 -
A copper penny Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A copper plate Physics 4.00 1 0 -
A current-cwrying straight wire Physics 6.00 1 0 -