Alpha Geek


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Teaching Since: Apr 2017
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  • bachelor in business administration
    Polytechnic State University Sanluis
    Jan-2006 - Nov-2010

  • CPA
    Polytechnic State University
    Jan-2012 - Nov-2016


  • Professor
    Harvard Square Academy (HS2)
    Mar-2012 - Present

Category > Accounting Posted 15 Apr 2017 My Price 2.00

"Topologies" Please respond to the following

"Topologies"  Please respond to the following:

Per the text, network topologies are defined both physically and logically. Suppose you had to implement either a full-mesh topology or start topology network on a university campus that has ten (10) buildings. Determine the topology that would you select. Provide two (2) reasons for your choice.   

Imagine that you work for a small company with one hundred (100) computers that are not on a network. Your boss comes to you for advice on whether he should implement either a peer-to-peer or client / server network. Recommend one (1) solution for your boss. Justify your recommendation with at least three (3) advantages that your choice would afford over the network that you did not choose.


Status NEW Posted 15 Apr 2017 10:04 AM My Price 2.00


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