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About SophiaPretty

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Elementary,Middle School,High School,College,University,PHD

Accounting,Algebra See all
Accounting,Algebra,Applied Sciences,Architecture and Design,Art & Design,Biology,Business & Finance,Calculus,Chemistry,Communications,Computer Science,Economics,Engineering,English,Environmental science,Essay writing Hide all
Teaching Since: Jul 2017
Last Sign in: 223 Weeks Ago, 4 Days Ago
Questions Answered: 15833
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  • MBA,PHD, Juris Doctor
    Strayer,Devery,Harvard University
    Mar-1995 - Mar-2002


  • Manager Planning
    Mar-2001 - Feb-2009

Category > Health & Medical Posted 06 Oct 2017 My Price 6.00

How do boys learn to be men?

Please answer the discussion topic below:


  • How do boys learn to be men? How significant is the role of fathers (and other men) in the upbringing of boys? 
  • How do you define masculinity? Are there sets of characteristics that must be displayed to be considered masculine? 
  • Comment on the diversity of perspectives of masculinity. How do class, culture, ethnicity, and race affect these perspectives? Can these perspectives be changed? Why or why not? 
  • What are the range of society's attitudes, issues, and concerns about homosexuality? Have they changed over the years? What are the issues surrounding the legalization of same sex marriage?


Status NEW Posted 06 Oct 2017 11:10 AM My Price 6.00

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