Alpha Geek


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Teaching Since: Apr 2017
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  • bachelor in business administration
    Polytechnic State University Sanluis
    Jan-2006 - Nov-2010

  • CPA
    Polytechnic State University
    Jan-2012 - Nov-2016


  • Professor
    Harvard Square Academy (HS2)
    Mar-2012 - Present

Category > Accounting Posted 21 Apr 2017 My Price 2.00

Calculate the bending stresses in the wing box

Calculate the bending stresses in the wing box. If applicable, assume the material is aluminum alloy with a young's modulus of E = 10 x106psi and Poisson's ratio of 0.3. Neglect the wing weight in all calculations.


The wing is 20 feet long, 90 inch wide unswept and untapped wing of an aircraft develops a total lift of 12,000 lbs in level flight. The true load distribution is given by q(x) = q0[1 - 0.7(x/L)] where x is the distance along wing span measured from the root. The engine is located at a distance of 30% of the wing length from the wing and weighs 1500 lbs and develops a torque of 8000 in-lb and a thrust of 5000 lbs. The engine axis is offset vertically from the wing centroid by 36 inches.


Status NEW Posted 21 Apr 2017 12:04 PM My Price 2.00

  ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- De-----------scr-----------ipt-----------ion----------- th-----------e b-----------end-----------ing----------- st-----------res-----------ses----------- in----------- th-----------e w-----------ing----------- bo-----------x. ----------- I-----------f a-----------ppl-----------ica-----------ble-----------, a-----------ssu-----------me -----------the----------- ma-----------ter-----------ial----------- is----------- al-----------umi-----------num----------- al-----------loy----------- wi-----------th -----------a y-----------oun-----------g's----------- mo-----------dul-----------us -----------of -----------E =----------- 10-----------

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