Maurice Tutor


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About Maurice Tutor

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Algebra,Applied Sciences See all
Algebra,Applied Sciences,Biology,Calculus,Chemistry,Economics,English,Essay writing,Geography,Geology,Health & Medical,Physics,Science Hide all
Teaching Since: May 2017
Last Sign in: 317 Weeks Ago, 4 Days Ago
Questions Answered: 66690
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    Argosy University/ Phoniex University/
    Nov-2005 - Oct-2011


  • Professor
    Phoniex University
    Oct-2001 - Nov-2016

Category > HR Management Posted 15 Oct 2017 My Price 2.00

direct integration

 Determine by direct integration the product of inertia   for the homogeneous prism. The density of the material is P. Express the result in terms of the total mass m of the prism.


Status NEW Posted 15 Oct 2017 12:10 PM My Price 2.00

Hel-----------lo -----------Sir-----------/Ma-----------dam-----------Tha-----------nk -----------You----------- fo-----------r u-----------sin-----------g o-----------ur -----------web-----------sit-----------e a-----------nd -----------and----------- ac-----------qui-----------sit-----------ion----------- of----------- my----------- po-----------ste-----------d s-----------olu-----------tio-----------n.P-----------lea-----------se -----------pin-----------g m-----------e o-----------n c-----------hat----------- I -----------am -----------onl-----------ine----------- or----------- in-----------box----------- me----------- a -----------mes-----------sag-----------e I----------- wi-----------ll

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