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Category > Psychology Posted 27 Oct 2017 My Price 10.00

Which of the following is an example of an explicit memory?

Which of the following is an example of an explicit memory?


  • Knowing how to drive from your home to the grocery store


  • Knowing how to ride a bike, even though you haven’t ridden one in years


  • Recalling what you wore on your first date with your spouse


  • Seeing an ad for a fast food restaurant, which makes you go there to get a burger



Which of the following is NOT a type of implicit memory?


  • Learning through classical conditioning


  • Procedural memory


  • Semantic memory


  • Priming


Your psychology professor tells you that your final exam will be a 200 item multiple choice test. Your final exam is an example of a ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________ test.


  • Recall
  • Recognition



Kokila can recall a visual image she has previously seen as accurately as if she were looking at it. This phenomenon is known as___________ memory.

  • Flashbulb
  • Photographic
  • Sensory
  • Long-term





What is the storage capacity of short-term memory?


  • 5-9 bits of information


  • 3-4 bits of information


  • Limitless


Amanda is 48, but she can recall the details of a beach trip that she took with her family when she was 4 years old. This is an example of______ memory.

  • Short- term
  • Long-term
  • Sensory
  • Working



We process new information in ways that make it more relevant or meaningful, which in turn produces stronger memories for the material. This is known as_______

  • Distributed Practice
  • Massed Practice
  • Elaborative encoding
  • Visual encoding



Our memory for information drops off rapidly at first but then levels off after time. This is known as__________

  • The Ebbinghaus forgetting cure
  • Overlearning
  • The self-reference effect
  • The spacing effect



Which of the following is the correct psychological definition of retrieval?


  • A form of retrieval failure in which we are certain that we know something that we are trying to recall but cannot quite come up with it


  • An increase in retrieval when the external situation in which information is learned matches the situation in which it is remembered


  • Superior retrieval of memories is when the individual is in the same physiological or psychological state as during encoding


  • The process of reactivating information that has been stored in memory




Why are schemas important for long-term memory?


  • Schemas are important because they facilitate spreading activation of memory cues.


  • Schemas are important because they help us retrieve information faster.


  • Schemas are important because they help us remember new information by providing an organizational structure for it.




Which of the following is a true statement regarding context-dependent learning?


  • We can continue to learn even after we think we know the information perfectly.


  • We have better retrieval when we are in the same psychological state as we were when we learned the material.


  • Information is learned better when it is studied in shorter periods spaced over time.


  • We have better retrieval when it occurs in the same situation in which we learned the material.



___________refers to the strengthening of the synaptic connections between neurons as result of


  • frequent stimulation.
  • Period of consolidation
  • Long-term potentiation



Fill in the blank:


1.Algorithms 2. Counterfactual thinking 3. the misinformation effect 4. Heuristics 5. overconfidence 6. source monitoring


________Layla has been married to Jovani for 6 years. She wonders what her life would be like if she had married her high school sweetheart, Kevin, instead.


___________After seeing several television news reports about home break-ins, you make a judgment that breaks-ins are much more common in your area than they really are. Now you make sure to keep your doors and windows locked at all times.


________You were at a basketball game last night. You witnessed an argument between two players on opposing teams in which a few foul words were exchanged. The next day, the newspaper reported that a fist fight occurred between at least 8 basketball players. Now you remember the event as a huge brawl between both teams.


_________You wake up this morning and recall that Dr. Denton said he was giving a biology test today. You don’t confuse this with the English test Dr. Washington said she is giving on Friday.


__________Stephen uses a mathematical formula to determine how many square feet of tile he needs to purchase for his kitchen remodeling project.


_________After the New England Patriots won the Super Bowl, Rupert bragged to his friends that he predicted their win all along.





A researcher gave participants a candle, a box of thumbtacks, and a book of matches, and asked them to attach the candle to the wall so that it did not drip onto the table below. Few of the participants realized that the box could be tacked to the wall and used as a platform to hold the candle. This is an example of which cognitive bias?


  • Functional fixedness


  • Overconfidence


  • Confirmation bias


  • Counterfactual thinking



If we think that a person is an extrovert, we might ask her about ways that she likes to have fun, thereby making it more likely that we will confirm our beliefs. The tendency to verify and confirm our existing memories rather than to challenge and disconfirm them is known as______

Confirmation bias


Functional fixedness

Counterfactual thinking




Question 17 of 19

Points: 10




What are schemas?


  • Schemas are recipe-style information-processing strategies that guarantee a correct answer at all times.


  • Schemas are information-processing strategies that are useful in many cases but may lead to errors when misapplied.


  • Schemas are mental representations of the world that are formed and adjusted using the processes of assimilation and accommodation as a person experiences life.



People who see a flipped coin come up heads five times in a row will frequently predict, and perhaps even wager money, that tails will be next. This behavior is known as the____

  • Misinformation effect
  • Gambler’s fallacy
  • Availability heuristic






The degree to which a particular social object stands out relative to other social objects in a situation is known as which of the following?


  • Overconfidence


  • Salience


  • The gambler’s fallacy


  • Cognitive accessibility




Status NEW Posted 27 Oct 2017 07:10 AM My Price 10.00

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