Maurice Tutor


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Teaching Since: May 2017
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    Argosy University/ Phoniex University/
    Nov-2005 - Oct-2011


  • Professor
    Phoniex University
    Oct-2001 - Nov-2016

Category > HR Management Posted 04 Nov 2017 My Price 3.00

Fred Friendly

1.     Fred Friendly, CPA, has 20 tax returns to prepare before the April 15th deadline. It is late at night so he decides to do two more before going home. In his stack of accounts, 12 are personal, 5 businesses, and 3 are for charitable organizations. If he selects the two returns at random, what is the probability:

a.   Both are business?

b.  At least one is business?



Status NEW Posted 04 Nov 2017 10:11 PM My Price 3.00

Hel-----------lo -----------Sir-----------/Ma-----------dam-----------Tha-----------nk -----------You----------- fo-----------r u-----------sin-----------g o-----------ur -----------web-----------sit-----------e a-----------nd -----------acq-----------uis-----------iti-----------on -----------of -----------my -----------pos-----------ted----------- so-----------lut-----------ion-----------.Pl-----------eas-----------e p-----------ing----------- me----------- on-----------cha-----------t I----------- am----------- on-----------lin-----------e o-----------r i-----------nbo-----------x m-----------e a----------- me-----------ssa-----------ge -----------I w-----------ill----------- be-----------

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