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Category > Computer Science Posted 15 Nov 2017 My Price 10.00

("Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Shrink n: ");

#include <stdio.h>


int main ()


/* variable definition: */

int intValue, menuSelect,Results;

double dblValue, dblResults;

intValue = 1;

// While a positive number

while (intValue > 0)


printf ("Enter a positive Integern: ");

scanf("%d", &intValue);

if (intValue > 0)


dblValue = intValue;

printf ("Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Shrink n: ");

scanf("%d", &menuSelect);

if (menuSelect == 1)


// Call the Square Function

Results = Square(intValue);

printf("Square of %d is %dn",intValue,Results);


else if (menuSelect == 2)


// Call the Cube function

Results = Cube(intValue);

printf("Cube of %d is %dn",intValue,Results);


else if (menuSelect == 3)


// Call the Shrink function

dblResults = Shrink(dblValue);

printf("Shrink of %d is %fn",intValue,dblResults);



printf("Invalid menu item, only 1, 2 or 3 is acceptedn");



return 0;


/* function returning the Square of a number */

int Square(int value)

{ return value*value;


/* function returning the Cube of a number */

int Cube(int value)

{ return value*value*value;


// function returning the Shrink of a number

double Shrink(double value)

{ return value/2;




I got the above code from a pdf from this site and it works great in the pictures, but won't run even when i copy and paste it over. I have attached the errors I'm getting from the site so you can help me fix it. I want to understand what is happening, not just be given the right answers.Failure.png



Status NEW Posted 15 Nov 2017 01:11 PM My Price 10.00

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