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  • MBA,PHD, Juris Doctor
    Strayer,Devery,Harvard University
    Mar-1995 - Mar-2002


  • Manager Planning
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Category > Computer Science Posted 20 Nov 2017 My Price 7.00

'silent salesperson' and is the last marketing effort

Marketing packaging

A product's package is often referred to as a 'silent salesperson' and is the last marketing effort consumers see before they make a selection in the store. One model used to evaluate a product's package is the VIEW model: visibility, information, emotion and workability (Twedt, 1968). Visibility refers to the package's ability to stand out among competing products on the store shelf. Information is the type nd amount of information included on the package. Some packages try to simulate emotion to influence buyers. Finally, all product packages perform the basic function of workability—protecting and dispensing the product. For this Assignment, you will use the VIEW model to evaluate packaging. You need not find the original Twedt article for your research; there has been considerable secondary source writing on this model.

Twedt, D.W. (1968) 'How much value can be added through packaging?', Journal of Marketing, 1, January, pp. 58-62.

For this Assignment:

Select two competing brands (international brand - e.g. samsung vs apple) in a product category and evaluate each brand's packaging based on the VIEW model. Decide which brand has superior packaging, and suggest ways to improve the other brand's packaging.

Your document should have 750 - thousands words (not including the list of works cited), but it is the quality of the answer that matters, not the number of words. Cite and reference all sources using the Harvard Liverpool Referencing System.


Status NEW Posted 20 Nov 2017 06:11 AM My Price 7.00

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