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Category > Computer Science Posted 30 Nov 2017 My Price 10.00

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message);



Part I: Written answer questions (20) ( submit a .pdf file)

Answer the following questions using no more

 * Created on July 21, 2004, 1:23 AM

public class Bank {
    private Account[] accounts;
    private int size;
    private int capacity;
    private static final int SAVINGS = 0;
    private static final int CHECKING = 1;   
    private static final int SENIOR = 0;
    private static final int ADULT = 1;   
    private static final int STUDENT = 2;
    private static final int INIT_CAPACITY = 100;
    /** Creates a new instance of Bank */
    public Bank() ;

     * Creates a new account.
     * pre: customer information must be not null and types must be valid
     * post: New account added to bank
     * @param customerName String Account owner's name
     * @param customerAddress String Owner's address
     * @param customerAge int Owner's age (in years)
     * @param customerPhoneNumber String Owner's phone number
     * @param customerType int Owner's type of customer within bank
     * @param typeAccount int Account type (savings or checking)
     * @return String New account number
    public String addAccount(String customerName, String customerAddress,
                             int customerAge, String customerPhoneNumber,
                             int customerType, int typeAccount);
     * Make a deposit into account.
     * pre: amount must be a positive integer
     * post: Account's balance increases
     * @param accountNumber String Account's number
     * @param amount double Amount to deposit
     * @return double New balance
    public String makeDeposit(String accountNumber, double amount);
     * Make a withdrawal from account.
     * pre: amount must be a positive integer
     * post: Account's balance decreases
     * @param accountNumber String Account's number
     * @param amount double Amount to withdraw
     * @return double New balance
    public String makeWithdrawal(String accountNumber, double amount){
        int index = find(accountNumber);
        return Double.toString(accounts[index].getBalance());      

     * Returns account information as a string so it can be displayed
     * @param accountNumber String Account's number
     * @return String Account information as a String object
    public String getAccount(String accountNumber);
     * Given an account number tells if the account exists or not
     * @param accountNumber String Account's number
     * @return int TRUE if accountNumber exists in accounts[]. Otherwise, -1.
    private int find(String accountNumber);


    /** You need to create private method : Allocate to allocate a new array to hold the transactions. */
    private void reallocate()




* Created on July 21, 2004, 1:44 AM


public class BankApp {

    public Bank bank;


    /** Creates a new instance of BankApp */

    public BankApp() {

        bank = new Bank();




     * @param args the command line arguments


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // TODO code application logic here

        BankApp bankApp = new BankApp();

        BankGUI gui = new BankGUI();






 the available space:/*



* Created on July 21, 2004, 10:21 AM


import javax.swing.*;


* This class is an implementation of PDUserInterface

* that uses JOptionPane to display the menu of command choices.

* @author  Rafael


public class BankGUI {


    /** A reference to the Bank object to be processed.

    Globally available to the command-processing methods.


    private Bank theBank = null;


    // Methods

    /** Method to display the command choices and process user


    pre: The bank exists and has accounts.

    post: Accounts are updated based on user commands.

    @param bank A reference to the Bank

    to be processed.


    public void processCommands(Bank bank) {

        String[] commands = {"Add Account",



        "Check Account",



        theBank = bank;


        int choice;

        do {

            choice = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(

            null, // No parent

            "Select action", // Prompt message

            "Bank System", // Window title

            JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, // Option type

            JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, // Message type

            null, // Icon

            commands, // List of commands

            commands[commands.length - 1]); // Default choice

            switch (choice) {

                case 0: doAddAccount(); break;

                case 1: doDeposit(); break;

                case 2: doWithdrawal(); break;

                case 3: doCheckAccount(); break;

                case 4: System.exit(0);


        } while (choice < commands.length - 1);




    /** Method to add an account.

    pre: The bank exists and has accounts and customers.

    post: A new account is created


    private void doAddAccount() {

        // Request the name

        String customerName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(

                              "Enter Customer Name");

        if (customerName == null) {

            return; // Dialog was cancelled.


        // Request the address

        String customerAddress = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(

                                 "Enter Customer Address");

        if (customerAddress == null) {

            return; // Dialog was cancelled.


        // Request the age

        String age = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Customer Age");

        if (age == null) {

            return; // Dialog was cancelled.


        int customerAge = Integer.parseInt(age);


        // Request the phone number

        String customerPhoneNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(

                                     "Enter Customer Phone Number");

        if (customerPhoneNumber == null) {

            return; // Dialog was cancelled.



        //Request type of customer

        String[] custType = {"Senior", "Adult", "Student", "Cancel"};

        int choice;

        choice = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(

        null, // No parent

        "Select customer type", // Prompt message

        "Bank System", // Window title

        JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, // Option type

        JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, // Message type

        null, // Icon

        custType, // List of commands

        custType[custType.length - 1]); // Default choice

        if (choice == custType.length - 1){

            return; //Dialog was cancelled.



        int customerType = choice;


        //Request type of account

        String[] commands = {"Savings", "Checking", "Cancel"};


        choice = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(

        null, // No parent

        "Select account type", // Prompt message

        "Bank System", // Window title

        JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, // Option type

        JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, // Message type

        null, // Icon

        commands, // List of commands

        commands[commands.length - 1]); // Default choice

        if (choice == commands.length - 1){

            return; //Dialog was cancelled.


        String theNumber = theBank.addAccount(customerName,

                           customerAddress, customerAge,

                           customerPhoneNumber, customerType, choice);

        String message = null;

        message = "Account " + theNumber + " created.";

        // Display confirmation message.

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message);


    /** Method to deposit.

    pre: The bank exists and has accounts.

    post: Balance in accounts increases.


    private void doDeposit() {

        // Request the account number.

        String accountNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(

                               "Enter Account Number");

        if (accountNumber == null) {

            return; // Dialog was cancelled.


        String theAmount = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Amount");

        if (theAmount == null) {

            return; // Dialog was cancelled.



        double amount = Double.parseDouble(theAmount);


        // Look up the name.

        String theBalance = theBank.makeDeposit(accountNumber, amount);

        String message = null;

        if (theBalance != null) { // Name was found.

            message = "Account " + accountNumber + " new balance $" +


        } else { // Name was not found.

            message = accountNumber + " does not exist";


        // Display the result.

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message);


    /** Method to withdrawal.

    pre: The bank exists and has accounts.

    post: Balance in accounts decreases.


    private void doWithdrawal() {

        // Request the account number.

        String accountNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(

                               "Enter Account Number");

        if (accountNumber == null) {

            return; // Dialog was cancelled.


        String theAmount = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Amount");

        if (theAmount == null) {

            return; // Dialog was cancelled.



        double amount = Double.parseDouble(theAmount);


        // Look up the name.

        String theBalance = theBank.makeWithdrawal(accountNumber, amount);

        String message = null;

        if (theBalance != null) { // Name was found.

            message = "Account " + accountNumber + " new balance $" +


        } else { // Name was not found.

            message = accountNumber + " does not exist";


        // Display the result.

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message);



    /** Method to deposit.

    pre: The bank exists and has accounts.



    private void doCheckAccount() {

        // Request the account number.

        String accountNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(

                               "Enter Account Number");

        if (accountNumber == null) {

            return; // Dialog was cancelled.


        // Look up the number.

        String theAccount = theBank.getAccount(accountNumber);

        String message = null;

        if (theAccount != null) { // Name was found.

            message = theAccount;

        } else { // Name was not found.

            message = accountNumber + " does not exist";


        // Display the result.

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message);





Status NEW Posted 30 Nov 2017 02:11 PM My Price 10.00

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