Alpha Geek


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  • bachelor in business administration
    Polytechnic State University Sanluis
    Jan-2006 - Nov-2010

  • CPA
    Polytechnic State University
    Jan-2012 - Nov-2016


  • Professor
    Harvard Square Academy (HS2)
    Mar-2012 - Present

Category > Numerical analysis Posted 15 Apr 2017 My Price 25.00

Analytical Report Graphical Representation

Week 6

This week, you are tasked to build visual representations of the data you have collected throughout your research. Visual representations of data allow us to share information more efficiently and, often, more effectively.

Using the data you gathered/created in your Analytical Report in week five, create three to four graphic representations of that data. This can be done using charts, graphs, tables, and so on. Feel free to be creative.

Note: Below is the teacher's comment on the analytical report you answered so please take your time and to fix whatever it need to be in this work.

Teacher: this is a general report about marketing someone else's product. Per the directions, the analysis is to focus on some initiative you have developed and implemented for your hypothetical business.

One of the reasons you are earning low scores on these assignments is that the work submitted does not follow the directions.


Status NEW Posted 15 Apr 2017 02:04 PM My Price 25.00

Tha-----------nk -----------you----------- fo-----------r y-----------our----------- in-----------ter-----------est----------- an-----------d b-----------uyi-----------ng -----------my -----------pos-----------ted----------- so-----------lut-----------ion-----------. P-----------lea-----------se -----------pin-----------g m-----------e c-----------hat----------- as----------- I -----------am -----------onl-----------ine----------- or----------- in-----------box----------- me----------- as----------- a -----------mes-----------sag-----------e. -----------I w-----------ill----------- be----------- se-----------ndi-----------ng -----------you----------- th-----------e f-----------ile-----------

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