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  • bachelor in business administration
    Polytechnic State University Sanluis
    Jan-2006 - Nov-2010

  • CPA
    Polytechnic State University
    Jan-2012 - Nov-2016


  • Professor
    Harvard Square Academy (HS2)
    Mar-2012 - Present

Category > Business & Finance Posted 15 Apr 2017 My Price 25.00

Business Plan and Risk Analysis


  • Description of Business (15 pts.)
General description of the business you are proposing, including:

    • Name of business and detailed description; the business concept; what needs does the product meet and who has these needs?

    • Type of business: (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation) describe why you have chosen this form of ownership

    • Competitive differentiation (how is your product/service different from

    • What is the historical, current and possible future status of the industry?

  • Regulatory and Risk Analysis (10 pts.)
The legal considerations likely required for your business. Are there any special concerns you may have to consider?

  • Location Analysis (10 pts.)

    • Where will you locate your business and why?

    • Why this state, city and specific site?

  • Management Analysis (15 pts.)

    • How will the project be managed?
    • Who are the managers and how are they qualified to make this business a success?

    • What is needed with respect to staff?

    • What needs to be considered with respect to operations? (special equipment, contracts, suppliers, maintenance)

  • Market Analysis (15 pts.)
This section should include:

    • Market segmentation - Market segments and target market: specifically describes the market segment(s) and target market(s) in terms of demographics, psychographics, and geographic location. Narrow it down to a manageable size. What common characteristics will make a difference in their purchasing/participation behavior?
    • Competition analysis - Who are your competitors in general? Mainly, how do you differ (product/service differentiation) from competitors (benefits offered, target market(s), product, service, quality, price, promotion, image, distribution?)
    • Promotion - What forms of media are you considering? What approach will you use initially?
  • Conclusion/Summary (10 pts.)

    • Does this sound like a good idea?
    • In your profile of a related business, what helpful insight did you gain for creating your own business concept?
  • Clarity, Spelling, Grammar (10 pts.)


Status NEW Posted 15 Apr 2017 02:04 PM My Price 25.00

Tha-----------nk -----------you----------- fo-----------r y-----------our----------- in-----------ter-----------est----------- an-----------d b-----------uyi-----------ng -----------my -----------pos-----------ted----------- so-----------lut-----------ion-----------. P-----------lea-----------se -----------pin-----------g m-----------e c-----------hat----------- as----------- I -----------am -----------onl-----------ine----------- or----------- in-----------box----------- me----------- as----------- a -----------mes-----------sag-----------e. -----------I w-----------ill----------- be----------- se-----------ndi-----------ng -----------you----------- th-----------e f-----------ile-----------

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