Maurice Tutor


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    Argosy University/ Phoniex University/
    Nov-2005 - Oct-2011


  • Professor
    Phoniex University
    Oct-2001 - Nov-2016

Category > Engineering Posted 14 May 2018 My Price 4.00

addition of excess

(a) A compound with formula RuCl3.5 H2O is dissolved in water, forming a solution that is approximately the same color as the solid. Immediately after forming the solution, the addition of excess AgNO3(aq) forms 2 mol of solid AgCl per mole of complex. Write the formula for the compound, showing which ligands are likely to be present in the coordination sphere. (b) After a solution of RuCl3.5 H2O has stood for about a year, addition of AgNO3(aq) precipitates 3 mol of AgCl per mole of complex.What has happened in the ensuing time?



Status NEW Posted 14 May 2018 02:05 PM My Price 4.00

Hel-----------lo -----------Sir-----------/Ma-----------dam-----------Tha-----------nk -----------You----------- fo-----------r u-----------sin-----------g o-----------ur -----------web-----------sit-----------e a-----------nd -----------acq-----------uis-----------iti-----------on -----------of -----------my -----------pos-----------ted----------- so-----------lut-----------ion-----------.Pl-----------eas-----------e p-----------ing----------- me----------- on-----------cha-----------t I----------- am----------- on-----------lin-----------e o-----------r i-----------nbo-----------x m-----------e a----------- me-----------ssa-----------ge -----------I w-----------ill----------- be-----------

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