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  • bachelor in business administration
    Polytechnic State University Sanluis
    Jan-2006 - Nov-2010

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Category > Statistics Posted 02 Jun 2017 My Price 7.00

A boat has a crew of eight

2.6.52.   A boa t has a crew of eight: Two of those eigh t can row only on the stroke side, while three can row only on !he bow side. In how man y ways can the two sides of the boat be manned?

2.6.53.   Nine students, five men and four women, interview for four summer intemshlps sponsored by a city newspaper.

(a)      Cn how many ways can the newspaper choose a set of four interns?

(b)      In how many ways can !he newspaper choose a set of four interns if it must include two men and two women in each set?

(c)      How ma ny sets of four can be picked such tha t not everyone in a set is of the same sex?



Status NEW Posted 02 Jun 2017 08:06 AM My Price 7.00



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2-----------.6.-----------52.----------- Â-----------  A----------- bo-----------a t----------- ha-----------s a----------- cr-----------ew -----------of -----------eig-----------ht:----------- Tw-----------o o-----------f t-----------hos-----------e e-----------igh----------- t -----------can----------- ro-----------w o-----------nly----------- on----------- th-----------e s-----------tro-----------ke -----------sid-----------e, -----------whi-----------le -----------thr-----------ee -----------can----------- ro-----------w o-----------nly----------- on----------- !h-----------e b-----------ow -----------sid-----------e. -----------In -----------how----------- ma-----------n y----------- wa-----------ys -----------can----------- th-----------e t-----------wo -----------sid-----------es -----------of -----------the----------- bo-----------at -----------be -----------man-----------ned-----------? -----------2.6-----------.53-----------. -----------  -----------Nin-----------e s-----------tud-----------ent-----------s, -----------fiv-----------e m-----------en -----------and----------- fo-----------ur -----------wom-----------en,----------- in-----------ter-----------vie-----------w f-----------or -----------fou-----------r s-----------umm-----------er -----------int-----------ems-----------hlp-----------s s-----------pon-----------sor-----------ed -----------by -----------a c-----------ity----------- ne-----------wsp-----------ape-----------r. ----------- (a-----------) ----------- Â----------- Â -----------  -----------Cn -----------how----------- ma-----------ny -----------way-----------s c-----------an -----------the----------- ne-----------wsp-----------ape-----------r c-----------hoo-----------se -----------a s-----------et -----------of -----------fou-----------r i-----------nte-----------rns-----------? -----------(b)----------- Â----------- Â ----------- Â-----------  I-----------n h-----------ow -----------man-----------y w-----------ays----------- ca-----------n
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