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Category > Essay writing Posted 03 Jun 2017 My Price 10.00

Mobile devices and apps, writing homework help

Question description


Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .

post most have 4 or more sentences .

you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings

“Mobile devices and apps provide many benefits for healthcare professionals, perhaps most significantly increased access to point-of-care tools, which has been shown to support better clinical decision-making and improved patient outcomes” (Ventola, 2014). A form of technology that would be successful in the implementation of nursing bedside report would be a mobile phone or iPad app that is similar to nursing notes but the author would call it, “At the Bedside”. The app would contain the patient’s last set of vital signs, last pain medication, most current information and any abnormalities. It would be neat if the information could be transferred to the appropriate nurse that way the continuity of care is always there and there wouldn’t be confusion on the patients plan of care. The nurse’s notes app nurse’s has alarms that go off with tasks and etc. that relate to the patient and allows the nurse to have less papers and notes because it is all saved on their mobile device app. Many nurses carry their phones around and this would help prevent leaving paperwork in the patient’s room breaking HIPPA and allow for the best possible care for the patient. I would love something like this, but consciously wouldn’t be able to use this technology because it currently doesn’t exist and if it is on your own mobile phone, it truly would be breaking HIPPA. As a barrier, the patient has a right to not have all their medical information on somebody’s personal cell phone. If it was developed and only used within the hospital it could work because currently at the facility I work, we carry spectralink phones which are mobile phones that other departments or doctors call us on. It is used instead of locators and the hospital supervisor uses it often for patient transfers, admits and finding out the floors census. “Despite the benefits they offer, better standards and validation practices regarding mobile medical apps need to be established to ensure the proper use and integration of these increasingly sophisticated tools into medical practice” (Ventola, 2014).


Status NEW Posted 03 Jun 2017 07:06 PM My Price 10.00

Hel-----------lo -----------Sir-----------/Ma-----------dam----------- T-----------han-----------k Y-----------ou -----------for----------- us-----------ing----------- ou-----------r w-----------ebs-----------ite----------- an-----------d a-----------cqu-----------isi-----------tio-----------n o-----------f m-----------y p-----------ost-----------ed -----------sol-----------uti-----------on.----------- Pl-----------eas-----------e p-----------ing----------- me----------- on----------- ch-----------at -----------I a-----------m o-----------nli-----------ne -----------or -----------inb-----------ox -----------me -----------a m-----------ess-----------age----------- I -----------wil-----------l

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