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    Polytechnic State University Sanluis
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Category > Engineering Posted 18 Jun 2017 My Price 3.00

A 120:1 potential transformer is used for the measurement of the high voltage on a transmission line

Q1) A 120:1 potential transformer is used for the measurement of the high voltage on a transmission line. If the voltmeter reading is 85 V, what is the transmission line voltage?Q2) An 80:5 current transformer is used for the measurement of the current on a transmission line. If the ammeter records 3.5 A, what is the line current?


Status NEW Posted 18 Jun 2017 09:06 AM My Price 3.00



file 1497777994-Answer.docx preview (40 words )
A-----------nsw-----------er ----------- (1-----------) T-----------he -----------vol-----------tag-----------e t-----------ran-----------sfo-----------rma-----------tio-----------n r-----------ati-----------o i-----------s 1-----------20:-----------l. -----------The-----------ref-----------ore-----------, a----------- vo-----------ltm-----------ete-----------r r-----------ead-----------ing----------- of----------- 85----------- V -----------sig-----------nif-----------ies----------- th-----------at -----------the----------- li-----------ne -----------vol-----------tag-----------e i-----------s ,----------- 85----------- V -----------* -----------(12-----------0/1-----------) =----------- 85----------- V -----------* 1-----------20 -----------= 1-----------0,2-----------00 -----------Vol-----------ts -----------=10-----------.2 -----------kV -----------The-----------ref-----------ore-----------, t-----------he -----------tra-----------nsm-----------iss-----------ion----------- li-----------ne -----------vol-----------tag-----------e -----------is -----------10 ----------- -----------
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