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Category > History Posted 14 Jul 2017 My Price 10.00

Comprehensive Essay 'MID EAST HISTORY' Must have thesis, concert evidence, and well structured—including introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

 Comprehensive Essay 'MID EAST HISTORY'


Must have thesis, concert evidence, and well structured—including introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.


You will choose ONE question to answer and apply your knowledge drawn from the PDF's given. There will be information from the PDF's to provide a clear thesis statement and support it with specific evidence from readings. Be sure to clearly define all terms you use.


Terms that you should defiantly use/highlighted (Note: that you will not use all of these just ones that apply to the question you choose to do):


Ottoman Janissaries



Shi’a and Sunni Islam 

The Abbasid Empire 


The Battle of Siffin 657 

Sir John Chardin 

The Abbasids, 750-1258 


The tradition of gaza 

Süleyman the Magnificent 

Aisha and the Battle of the Camel 

The ulama 



Jizyah The Rashidun 


The Hatt-I Sharif of Gulhane 

Hurrem Sultan


The Millet system 

Namik Kemal 

The Dinshaway incident of June 1906 


The nizam-i jedid (the new order) 

The Balta Liman Treaty 

The Treaty of London of 1841 

Namik Kemal 

The Tanzimat 

The Isahat Fermani 

Mustafa Kamil (1874– 1908)

The Tobacco Protest of 1891 

The Cromer Years, 1883–1907 

Rifa‘a al-Tahtawi (1801–1873) 

The Qajars 

The d’Arcy Oil Concession Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (1839–1897) 

The Theology of Unity Muhammad Abduh (1849–1905)



Questions to choose from : (choose 1)


1. What has shaped the predominant Western view of the Middle East? To what extent is this view accurate and to what extent is it inaccurate? Please refer to specific readings, lectures, and documentaries covered in the class. 


2. How did the status of women change under the Abbasid Empire and the Ottoman Empire? Discuss developments such as the Battle of Camel, veiling and seclusion of women in the Abbasid, the Ottoman imperial harem, and the Ottoman laws (kanuns) regarding women, etc. 


3. Explain the factors that lead to the rise and the fall of the Ottoman Empire. As part of your answer please refer to specific traditions practiced within the Ottoman Empire, such as the devshirme system, the millet system, the gaza tradition, etc. 


4. How did the ruler of the Safavid Empire, Isma’il come to shape the history of modern Iran? Compare the Safavid rule of Iran to its successor the Qajar dynasty. How did the Great Schism within Islam, particularly Ismail’s conversion to the Twelve Shiism impact the history of Modern Middle East in general and presentday Iran in particular? 


5. What factors explain popularity of the Wahhabi, Sanusi, Mahdiyyah movements in the 19th century? What is the legacy of these movements? How did these movements shape regions in which they originated? 6. Who is Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (1839–1897) and what is his significance in the formation of modern Middle East?






TOPIC: Why and How to study the History of the Modern Middle East?

       (Islam, Empire, and Early Modern Society)


1.Sarah Graham-Brown Images of Women: file:///Users/new/Downloads/Sarah%20Graham-Brown%20Images%20of%20Women.pdf


TOPIC: The Islamic Civilization to the 15th century: Islamic Rituals and Institutions from Late Antiquity to the Dawn of the New Age.


2. Gregorian Islam Chapter 1: file:///Users/new/Downloads/Gregorian%20Islam%20Chapter%201.pdf

3. Denise A. Spellberg, “Aisha and the Battle of the Camel”: file:///Users/new/Downloads/Denise%20A.%20Spellberg%20Aisha%20and%20the%20Battle%20of%20the%20Camel.pdf

4. Leila Ahmed Women and Gender in Islam file:///Users/new/Downloads/Leila%20Ahmed%20Women%20and%20Gender%20in%20Islam.pdf


TOPIC: The Ottoman and Safavid Empires: The Rise of the Ottoman and the Safavid Empires, 1501-1736


5. Leslie Peirce, Morality Tales: file:///Users/new/Downloads/Leslie%20Peirce%20Morality%20Tales.pdf


TOPIC: The Ottoman Empire and Egypt: Tanzimat—An Era of Reform and Tanzimat in the Arab Provinces


6. Commercial Convention (Balta Liman): Britain and the Ottoman Empire: file:///Users/new/Downloads/Commercial%20Convention%20(Balta%20Liman)%20Britain%20and%20the%20Ottoman%20Empire.pdf

7. Qasim Amin, “The Liberation of Women and the New Woman” : file:///Users/new/Downloads/Qasim%20Amin%20The%20Liberation%20of%20Women%20and%20the%20New%20Woman.pdf


TOPIC: Egypt and Iran in the late 19th century: The British Occupation of Egypt


8. Cromer: “Why Britain Acquired Egypt in 1882 (1908)” : file:///Users/new/Downloads/The%20Earl%20of%20Cromer%20Why%20Britain%20Acquired%20Egypt%20in%201882,%201908.pdf

9. Khalid Fahmy, “Medicine, Women, Power in the 19th century Egypt”: file:///Users/new/Downloads/Khaled%20Fahmy%20Women%20Medicine%20and%20Power%20in%2019th%20Century%20Egypt.pdf


TOPIC: The Nineteenth Century Transformation: Authoritarian reform and Islamic Puritanism and the Tribal Frontiers


10.Gregorian chapter 2: file:///Users/new/Downloads/Gregorian%20Islam%20Chapter%202.pdf




Course Book:

James Gelvin: The Modern Middle East (Ypu may also reference from this book up to pg 170


Status NEW Posted 14 Jul 2017 05:07 AM My Price 10.00

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